Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux de l'Europe
Chambre des régions
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
Chamber of Regions
Integrated Project “Making democratic institutions work”
Projet intégré “Les institutions démocratiques en action”
Transparency of the financing of political parties
and their democratic functioning
La transparence du financement des partis politiques
et leur renforcement démocratique
Liste des participants
Mr. Eero J. AARNIO, Councellor of Legislation, Ministry of Justice, Finland
Dr Ingrid van BIEZEN, Department of Political Science, John Hopkins University,
Ms Gillian DELL, Coordinator on political corruption, Transparency International, Germany
M. Yves-Marie DOUBLET, Maître de conférence, Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), France
Mr Robert FREMR, High Court in Prague, Czech Republic
M. Claude HAEGI, Président de la Fondation pour l’économie et le développement durable des régions d’Europe, Switzerland
Mr. Péter HAVAS, Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials
(ACEEEO, Hungary
Mr. Wilhelm LEHMANN, Administrator, Division of international and constitutional affairs, Directorate General for Research, European Parliament, Luxembourg
Mr. Alex MATHESON, Head of the Budgeting and Management Division,
Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development, OECD,
Ms. Maja TJERNSTRÖM, Project Manager, Political Parties Project, International IDEA, Sweden
Mr. Emil TSENKOV GUIEORGIEV, Senior fellow, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria
Secretariat IP 1 :
“Making democratic institutions work” / “Les institutions démocratiques en action”
Mr Michael REMMERT, Project Manager
Ms Irena GUIDIKOVA, Project Administrator
Ms Anne GODFREY, Secretary
Mrs Christiane LUPO-JONES, Secretary
Gunther MUDRICH, Secretary of the Chamber of Regions, CPLRE
Dan POPESCU, Administrator, Directorate General of Legal Affairs, Local Democracy